Unorthodox CHURCH


Miracles numbered 1-22 are those I personally witnessed, or was a part of the plan;
Numbered miracles 23-31 were reported to me, where I was not personally involved. 

      By 1960, when I was a little boy, Dad had moved us back and forth between States, from our home in Minnesota out to Arizona. Dad still tells us the story of how the wheel fell off of the trailer while he backed it up in the carport driveway at the end of a round trip. But, only after our family drove safely all the way out to Arizona from Minnesota and back again.

      By 1972, Dad grew very sick, extremely skinny, and near death in the final stage of terminal cancer, which was present throughout his lymph nodes and organs. Some tumors were very large. One in his abdomen was the size of a grapefruit. Given only months to live, we older children were being split up and going to live with each of our God parents. At one point, Dad was admitted to the old section of Tucson Medical Center. Two laywomen from the Friday night Catholic Prayer Meeting asked Dad if they could pray for him.
       While they were praying and "laying on of hands" Dad felt heat go through his entire body. The cancer shrunk and disappeared. Dad's strength and weight came back to normal. He handed the chemotherapy pills back to Doctor Duffy, who, turning white from shock, asked Dad  to please not stop taking the chemotherapy medicine, as the cancer was just in remission and could return. But Dad said, "The Lord has healed me." Now, after 40-bonus years later, the cancer has never returned, thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ. We celebrated Dad's 80th birthday in December 2012 in Arizona.

     When I was a teenager, around 1973, we heard Father Al Hernig, one of our most beloved Catholic Priests, drive his car up into the tree-shaded gravel parking area in front of our house. Mom said, "Billy, quick, get Amigo!" [Our German Shepherd, Amigo, attacked all men, who were not family, coming onto our property.] Too late! Amigo was outside the front door sunning himself and got up and charged straight towards Father Al. Father Al just knelt down facing Amigo with open arms and called the dog to him with his lips making those chirping, almost bird call sounds, he was well known for. Amigo melted like a puppy and was peaceful for the only time towards a man he didn't know. Father Al is now retired and today lives in Missouri.

      In the 1970's I was attending the local Catholic Charismatic Prayer meetings. The first, early location was held at the nuns' Novitiate Chapel on Sabino Canyon Road, and later at Sacred Heart Parish at First Avenue and Fort Lowell Road. I was diagnosed with Colitis by the same medical doctor who witnessed my Dad's healing of terminal cancer (See healing story No. 2, above). I was healed by the believers' laying on of hands  and their prayer for healing the sick. In fact, when I was afflicted by Crohn's some three decades later (See healing story No. 15, below), the camera imagery showed that the area that had once been afflicted by Colitis, and healed approximately thirty years earlier was in such youthful condition that I didn't need another check up of that intestine for another decade!

      In Casa Grande, Arizona, in 1978, our infant son Jason received his vaccinations. Later at home, he developed a fever and a red, raised swollen, inch-long inflamed welt over the vaccine injection area. Silvia and I had the Television tuned to TBN UHF Channel 21, broadcasting from over 40 miles north in Phoenix. With snowy reception, prayer was going out for any sick, and we could agree with those people. I placed my hand on Jason's thigh over the welt. I prayed, "I know you're there, God. I didn't make Jason, You did. I want to know if Jesus is your only Son." Jason's fever broke instantly, and he was cool. I lifted my hand, and the big red welt was gone. You couldn't even see the needle mark from the vaccine. I became a believer, leaving my "Doubting Thomas" syndrome behind.

      Driving through Kentucky on the way back from the "Washington for Jesus 1979" rally we attended in Washington, DC, I came down with a debilitating fever and sore throat. Jason, age 1, circled my bed in the motel room saying, praying, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" and I was able to fall asleep, rise up the next morning healed, and drive the remaining thousand miles home.

      In the middle of the night in 1981, Jason woke up crying and ran across the hall to our bedroom and dove into our bed. I sat up to see Jason's Guardian Angel standing in our doorway. I rubbed my eyes and could see the door was open all the way, and the Angel was not a bathrobe. He was tall and filled our entire master bedroom doorway, and didn't say a word. The angel was a very peaceful being. We all felt safe and went back to sleep.

      At our old house in central Tucson back in 1983, Jason prayed for a rabbit. One day, a large, furry, handsome Angora rabbit hopped into our backyard. We could not not find the previous owner, and quickly built fencing and a rabbit hutch. Jason then prayed for a Turtle or Tortoise. Soon, a large Desert Tortoise came walking down our paved City street. Again, no "Lost Tortoise" signs were posted, and we made accommodations and provision for the new pet. Concerned about our ability to care for more special needs creatures, his Mom and I asked Jason not to pray for another animal for awhile. (See Healing Story A.13 below, about Jason's dog, Troy, who was born in Dragoon, Arizona)

      In the late 1980's, we had already begun to outgrow our newer house in east Tucson. Mike and Rita McCann, Bible School founders and evangelists from Minnesota, with a school in England, came to our church. The night before, in the privacy of our home I told my wife, "We need to buy or build a bigger house!" as our house was seeming smaller. As if we forgot, that the Lord sees all, we were still surprised that the prophetic prayer over us by the McCann's the next day at Church was to "Buy or build a bigger house." The Lord confirmed our future housing plans spoken in our Family room the night before. And He reminded us that he is not deaf and is involved in our lives daily.

      The pastor of our church invited us all to pack up and visit another church around 1989, to attend a Dave Roberson meeting in Tucson. Dave Roberson, now pastor of a church in Oklahoma, used to travel and preach, and the Lord would heal people following the gospel message. I remember that evening, Dave preached on the man who told Jesus he couldn't come because he had bought some land, and had to go look at it. My friend Frank elbowed me because I did this thing that Mr. Roberson said was foolish: "Buying land, THEN GOING TO LOOK AT IT."*  
       One lady from our church, Nancy, received pure silver fillings during the service. Electricity went through her mouth and she received a full, pure silver, restoration of all decayed teeth. I asked her, following her testimony given a few days later back at our church, if I could look inside her mouth and see this miracle work that her dentist said was impossible, because pure silver melts at such a high temperature. He kept telling her, "I want to know who did this!" We don't have the technology to do this. "It's impossible!" She replied, "the Lord did it", and the Dentist insisted again, "I want to know who did this?"
       Nancy opened her mouth, and I looked inside and witnessed the rows, top and bottom, of shiny, mirror-like finish proof-coin silver protecting all her molar teeth.
       What beautiful work by The Great Dentist!

*[To be fair, I attempted to look at the land with my family in the station wagon, but with hunters stringing up, "Bambi" and the road becoming more primitive, I had to visit the land for sale after I made an offer on it. Frank was the one who went with me to hike to the land.]

      I was giving a Gideon Bible presentation in Nogales, Arizona at the Assembly of God Church. I shared my personal testimony within my message from the pulpit, where my dad was healed of cancer and my son's leg was healed instantly when I prayed and asked if Jesus was God's Son, leading to my faith in the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
         Suddenly, in the middle of my Gideon Bible message, a lady seated near the center of the church about halfway back, shouted loudly, a scream of "Hallelujah"!
         Later that day, at lunch with the Pastor's family, he told me that the lady in the service was not trying to interrupt the service or my message. She told the Pastor following the service, that during my Gideon message's healing testimonies, her one ear which had been deaf for years suddenly popped open and she could now hear. She was immediately healed, and shouted for joy!         

      Following our camping trip in 1993, where we made an offer on our North 20 Acre Land in New Mexico, Sarah and I were returning by way of the scenic route through Western New Mexico and visited the Catwalk near Glenwood. We decided to camp above the ghost town, Mogollon. So, we drove out of this town quite a distance up the mountain on a forest road toward the continental divide.
       We pulled over into the National Forest, but had passed some creepy-looking characters acting suspicious at their truck by the side of the main road. We felt uneasy about staying in the same forest as those two, and with us being unarmed in those days. We decided to start the van and drive back down the mountain to Mogollon. However, not only did we not see those two fellows or their truck on the side of the road, we skipped over a lot of road, and after going around the bend we found ourselves suddenly entering the town!  
       Sarah and I looked at each other, she being 9 years young, and asked each other if we had just been translated in our van past many sections of the road in the National Forest on our way back to the old gold mining town, past a couple of weird people (to avoid them - totally miss seeing them again, actually).

      2003 - Silvia suffered a stroke (now listed as a TIA in her medical file) and I called 911 emergency for an ambulance/paramedics. They took her to the hospital where they could see she had a narrowing of the basilar artery at the base of the brain. An MRI after prayer by Melanie and her church leaders at the next visit revealed a supernatural bypass installation in Silvia's brain. No lasting affects of paralysis or loss of hearing/speech remained.


In the summer of 2006, my brother Rob in Phoenix was diagnosed as having a hole in his heart. He watched one of the ultrasound echo tests on a monitor where the tiny bubbles traveled between the chambers of his heart.  In the fall, my brother also had a T.E.E. ultrasound scope placed inside him via the esophagus confirming the location of the hole in his heart for possible surgery.  I invited him to make a trip to Tucson to receive prayer at our church during healing services we were having, but he was unable to attend the meetings. 

During one of the services, two of the ladies gave words of knowledge that God wanted to heal a heart condition.  One of the ladies shared that she saw a mental picture of a hole in a heart that was being sewn up by a needle and thread.  I thought, ‘I wish my brother were here!  I knew he was supposed to come!’ My wife went forward to receive prayer for my brother, as I was working in the sound booth. She prayed with the ladies, and received prayer in his behalf at the altar area in our church.

I telephoned my brother and shared about the words of knowledge and prayer for him that took place at our church. He said that he appreciated our family's and everyone's prayers, but ‘Other people need a healing miracle more than me.’ My brother still had symptoms, which were believed to be associated with the hole in his heart, and decided to schedule surgery.

In late January 2007, my brother went in for the P.F.O. (hole in the heart) surgical closure procedure at Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix. During this surgical procedure, the doctor spent 90 minutes trying to find the hole in his heart (the actual procedure, performed by devices inserted through the leg into the main arteries, normally takes 45 minutes.) The doctor reported that the hole in his heart was gone and there was no longer any hole to be fixed! The doctor said, ‘It's a miracle!’”

      When the traveling ministers, a couple named the Dews, arrived at our church in 2007, I was working the soundboard in the back of the church, as usual. The Lord performs healing miracles during the Dews' meetings. Before they were finished ministering, I was determined not to miss an opportunity to be healed of a recently diagnosed problem of Crohn's disease, discovered from medical procedures and lab tests following an intestinal blockage in 2005, where I was hospitalized for 7 days - then put on pharmacuitical Rx's to ease the ulcers pain.
         I went up to the front for prayer, and Mr. Dew took my hands and placed his index fingers in my palms - which were now open facing upwards - his thumbs below, as he prayed for healing in the name of Jesus. "More Lord!", Mr. Dew said as he prayed, and a good heat went through my intestine exactly where the burning pain was experienced. The burning pain was disappearing from the middle areas, first, immediately; then healing towards the outside, last - the last smaller sections taking over a period of months and years to become totally healed.
         It took some years before I could eat hot salsa again, but I can now. However, when I had a flu bug of lower track problems a few years later, my primary care doctor, Dr. Lazarus, sent me to see my gastrointestinal specialist, whom I've had since the hospitalization, just in case Crohn's was flaring back up. By the time the appointment with the specialist came up, the symptoms had subsided (in a few days), and I told him I was better. Following the exam, my specialist, who had pressed on my abdomen in those previously very sensitive and burning places (years earlier) during the doctor visit, said, "You don't have Crohn's. You don't get better from Crohn's." While my insurance company wants to see more years* of healing evidence, before lowering premium rates on my policy, I am healed! *[I plan to resubmit in two years.]

      During the year of miracles of 2007 - Troy, Jason's dog went deaf in his old age, so I began to "practise" those healing school techniques, as taught by Global Awakening's Randy Clark, who had recently visited Tucson. I commanded Troy's ears to "Be Healed" in Jesus Name, while touching the outside of the dogs ears with my fingers. One day a few months later, he heard the neighbors talking around the corner and began to bark again at strangers. Troy saved our truck by barking a new fire from a towel that fell down on to the muffler between the bed and the cab.

      After Randy Clark's first Healing School in Tucson, Arizona, in 2008, several pastors put the lessons into practise at their home church. At Faith Christian Church, a time was allotted for the congregation to operate in the Word of Knowledge during the regular Sunday morning Church Service. Four hundred healings were documented in the first year following the school training.
      My daughter, Sarah, went up for healing prayer when her borderline diabetic condition was announced by a member in a Sunday morning service. She went back to her doctor and the blood tests indicate total healing of her condition: normal blood sugar levels. Sarah became a full-time campus minister of the Gospel, seeing college students saved and healed by Jesus.  

      As Randy Clark was teaching and ministering at the second Tucson Healing School in 2009, our friend Debbie sat by me. When the evening practice prayer session for the sick began, Randy said for those needing healing to raise their hands, and instructed those nearby to place a hand on the person next to you who raised their hand. I placed my left hand on Debbie's back and could feel the muscle knot under her shoulder blade.
       As we all prayed in Spirit in the pews of the church, I felt the knot begin to vibrate immediately under my fingertips. In only a few seconds, the knot felt as though it totally dissolved during the vibration. After a few minutes, randy asked those who were healed or felt an improvement to come up near the pulpit. The altar had steps and Debbie went up and got in line to give her testimony at the microphone. She told how she had jammed her fingers and this created the knot in her back, and stiffness, and now she could move her arm freely. 
      While it needs to be stated that hundreds of documented healings took place as a result of this conference, knowing the person, and witnessing one of the miracles firsthand, is notable. 
      In 2011, our eldest daughter was expecting, and I decided to not only guess the sex of our next grandchild, but the baby's name. I guessed Jessica. My wife joined in and said, "Joy goes good with that." She guessed, "Jessica Joy." Meanwhile, our Son-in-law's grandmother
had a dream about the baby being born and her name was "Jessie."
      Our younger daughter had a dream of her new baby niece laughing with joy. When the baby was born a week later, the parents named the baby according to the prophetic dreams. God gave independent dreams of the name to a great-grandma, an aunt, and identical, separate impressions of her name to grandparents, before the first and middle names picked by the parents were shared. No sonogram was performed. Jessica Joy was born in 2011.

      In the Fall of 2011, a ministering angel sat on our bed after we received news of a temporary delay in justice with a State hearing judge. We were playing a CD from one of Sid Roth's interviewed and highly recommended, anointed artists. Ruth Fazal, who received a violin bow from Jesus, sings and plays on a worship CD entitled, "Who is this?" The last songs were playing in our room, when the bed dented down to the left of my feet. I had my face down, and thought my wife had come back from brushing her teeth and left the water running in the sink. I turned to ask her about wasting water, but, she wasn't the one sitting on the bed! She was still at the sink. I found out later, that Ruth had an angel sit on her bed to comfort her some time before we received our CD and had our experience.

      In the Summer of 2012, I was working in the media ministry booth at the back of the church when Kenneth Hagin's Granddaughter, Candice came to teach a gospel message. After all the miracles I have seen [and posted most of them here] I should not have been surprised by what happened next. Prior to giving her prepared message, Candice asked the congregation if anyone was in pain. A good number of people raised their hands.
      She immediately left the podium and moved between the chairs of people, praying in the name of Jesus for pain to leave, with "laying on of hands" and by speaking and commanding the painful condition to leave. Shortly after she began, and had a 100% success rate, a couple more people raised their hands to also be prayed for. She said, "You can all do this." [Tell pain to go in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.]
To my amazement, pain left everyone who raised their hand, by the authority of the Lord.
      Once, while my good friend, Frank, and I were driving North on the Interstate from Tucson, Silvia called me via the telephone to report that Bees had trapped her and our dog, Troy, in the house, by swarming near the door. Being too many miles away from home to turn around, Frank and I rebuked the bees and commanded them to leave. By the time the Bee Man arrived, the bees had left the property and were gone.

      Randy Clark returned to Tucson twice in 2014. In September 2014, the West Coast Conference of Global Awakening was held in Tucson because in January 2014, metal implant discomfort and mobility issues were dramatically healed in people (one person, Lisa, I know personally). 
      Randy had a word of knowledge for those who were impacted by others (crashes, etc.) that God said to forgive the person who impacted you. My High School teammate came to mind. In football practice he had rammed my lower spine and back with his helmet and face mask. For 40 years since that impact my back would go out lifting furniture. I quickly said, "I forgive my teammate..." and immediately, an invisible force was inserting pressure into my spine (disc area) for a little more than one minute. My muscular and skeletal system was adjusting itself for days as I grew a half-inch back. 
       Four days later, I started a new job working in a warehouse, lifting heavy boxes up portable stairs. My back has not gone out since this healing, praise God!

      c.1960 Pete was six years old and came down with a severe fever. He recalls going up out of his body and hovering at the ceiling in the hospital, where he saw and heard his parents and doctor. His physician said, "I don't know which fever he has". Pete then left the Earth, travelled across rainbows in a beam. An angel instructed him to go between the white and orange-yellow, and he went inside a golden-white sphere. Balls of sparklers of shooting stars were arriving and coming inside the sphere. He had the impression these were other people arriving.
He saw the mountain-sized Supreme Being having three very bright, intense energy peaks. He was asked by the Being, "Do you want to stay here?" Although he answered, "Yes", the Supreme Being with the three peaks said Pete needed to learn more and was told, "Go back".

      My mother-in-law's neighbor, Tom, relates his story: During the Vietnam War, Tom is shot and falls to the ground. He then hovers above the trees, and below sees his buddies are standing around his body. And he wonders why they are so sad. Then, he suddenly is travelling up through space with stars moving swiftly by, and arrives to a beautiful place just outside a large gate. Outside the gate and behind him, the voice of Jesus says, "It's not your time." He did not turn to look at who was speaking, yet he knew it was Jesus Christ. Then, Jesus spoke again, "It's not your time, Go Back!"  
       Immediately after Jesus had said, "Go Back!" Tom was sent back to into his body. However, 
Tom's body was no longer on the Jungle Floor, but lay in a Med-Evac Helicopter. When he "Woke up" back alive, he startled the Medic on board who was in the process of tagging his body, as he had been pronounced dead, earlier. Tom has since set up help centers in over 30 states to assist Vietnam War veterans.

      In 1978, one of my employees at a retail store in Casa Grande, Arizona, told me about her son. Anne related to me how their son was diagnosed with severe mental retardation when he was a baby. So much so, that years after their son was born, he still could not talk, but just stayed on his back, staring up toward the ceiling, - not making eye contact with anyone. Doctors insisted she and her husband place their boy in an institution. As her husband worked in one of those places where the children seldom see loved ones, they refused to commit him.
Anne and her husband continually prayed over their son, for years to the Lord. One day, her son, flat on his back again as usual, suddenly turned to look at Anne and said, "Momma!" By 1978, when I met their son, he was only about one-year behind other students his age at school.

      Mercedez told me the following event she experienced decades ago. Mercedez was at home with her 2-year old son at the same time at another location, her Catholic Charismatic Prayer Meeting was going on. When the people at the prayer meeting prayed for her, a pin point of light came into her bedroom and grew to fill her room with the light of the Lord's Glory. A large archangel of the Lord said to her, "Do not be afraid." She then rose up and went through the ceiling on a journey to Heaven.
She arrived in Heaven for a tour, as she was not sick nor near death, Blessed by prayers of her Christian friends on Earth. In Heaven, people she knew who were there and had died and gone on before, were happy to see her, and told her with their thoughts, "We haven't seen you in so long."
      She saw a veranda and roses at her Mansion, the River of Life flowing out from the Tree of Life, grass and trees so alive that they would drop fruit into your hands reaching toward them, and she felt Peace. Big horses and lions were some of the animals there she saw. Jesus told her, "I am well pleased with you. I am coming soon. Preach the Gospel." She feels Jesus was happy she left drug use behind to follow Jesus and raise children instead. Jesus' hands were large and she saw the nail-prints in His palms. Mercedez' little boy is now an adult and remembers seeing the Angel during this event.

      A young lady named Aspen, and her Mom, related to me how Aspen would read her Bible in her room and talk to God, daily. One day, Jesus visited Aspen in person, and took her in a chariot on a tour of heaven, and showed her a beautiful place filled with flowers and her mansion. Inside her mansion was one of her favorite musical instruments.
      The white horses had manes of fire.

      In the early 1980's, fellow church choir member Beth told me about the time when her kidneys were failing and she was in the hospital dying. Her late Dad, who was also a Christian, came into to the room from heaven and asked her if she wanted to come home now. She answered, "Dad, I really would like to stay awhile longer." Her Dad nodded and smiled as he left and disappeared back to heaven.
Beth immediately became better to where she was given additional X-Rays that showed she now had two brand new kidneys. She was in her eighties when she related this to me.

      In the early 1990's college student and brother, Rob, and his friend, had left a concert near Phoenix, Arizona late at night and were driving back to Tucson on Interstate 10. As they approached Tucson in the right lane, they came upon a slow vehicle. However, they could not pass it, as they were blocked from changing lanes on the interstate by what appeared to be two headlights in the lane to their left.
       Soon, after becoming frustrated with being blocked in, a drunk driver came full speed, driving the opposite direction in that lane they were blocked from. Instead of the crash Rob had expected when the wrong-way drunk driver collided with the lights, the lights simply disappeared. To this day, Rob and I believe that his and/or his friend's Guardian Angel(s) simulated car headlights to save them from a head-on fatal collision on the freeway. Mom and Dad always prayed for our safety whenever we traveled away from home. They still do. Today, Rob has a lovely wife and two children because miracles still happen. 

      In the mid-1990's, Rose was blowdrying her hair in the bathroom, when her guardian angel told her to move to the other bathroom. Rose argued, "No, I'm already set-up in this room." Her guardian angel persisted and told her again to go to the other room. She finally agreed and said, "Okay."
      While finishing doing her hair in the other bathroom, her family heard a loud crash of glass, which sounded like the glass patio door broke and shattered. It turned out that the large bathroom mirror, where she had been minutes before, fell off the wall, hit the counter, broke, and continued into the bathroom door, causing a large gash across it. This large, broken mirror passed through the exact spot where she was recently standing, before the angel intervened.
      Rose has kept the door with the large cut in it, as a reminder to always listen to her angel.  

      In 2011, my friend, Bill, had severe symptoms, and later learned he had suffered a heart attack at home. His wife had been insisting he get to the hospital. Afterwards, the doctor told him he had died in the hospital and had 25% damage to his heart, documented by cardiology tests. Bill's prayer was that he be made whole.
      While at church, a woman visiting from Texas came up to Bill with a word from the Lord, "You are made whole, says the Lord!" Bill went to his follow-up doctor visits, scans and tests.
      His Doctor said, "Looking at these test results, if I did not know you had the heart attack, I'd ask, "Why are you here?" The tests confirmed that his heart was no longer damaged, but had been made whole.

      Dottie had a heart problem and collapsed onto the kitchen floor, then experienced Heaven. Heaven is a very Beautiful place where she felt Comfort, Peace, and Love. She saw Jesus and looked into His eyes. Dottie heard the Father's voice, which was the most beautiful voice she has ever heard. Then, Jesus reached out to hold her. When Jesus held her, she was sent back to where she was on the kitchen floor, very much alive. She had known Jesus from when she was young, but had never felt His presence back then.

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